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Paediatric inguinal hernia & hydrocoele is a manifestation of a Persistent Patent Processus Vaginalis (PPV). A PPV is a peritoneal fold which acts as a conduit for descent of testis from abdomen to scrotum.
If the communication is small only peritoneal fluid trickles, resulting in a hydrocoele. A large communications allows intestines to come down in the inguino-scrotal region, resulting in a Hernia. The diagnosis is usually a clinical one. A history of swelling in the inguinal region and local examination suffices. In few cases, an Ultrasonography is required to confirm the diagnosis.
Surgery is either by Open or by Laparoscopic methods. The surgery is termed as a Herniotomy and entails a tiny 5mm incision placed in the inguinal skin crease. Usually one can wait till 2 years of age in case of a Hydrocoele. However, Hernia needs immediate surgical intervention as there are chances for it to get complicated.
DURATION OF STAY : Day Care/ 24 Hours
At Sukriti Clinic we believe that quality and customer satisfaction are crucial in any medical practice, including plastic and pediatric surgery clinics. We focus on providing personalized care tailored to each patient's needs. This involves clear communication, empathy, and involving patients in decision-making processes regarding their treatments. We emphasis on:
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